Accessibility Policy

Accessibility at the Shine Foundation 

Shine is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders including our clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the AODA and its associated standards and regulations.

Shine understands that we have a responsibility for ensuring a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone. We are committed to ensuring our organization's compliance by incorporating accessibility legislation into our policies, procedures, equipment requirements, training, and best practices. We will review these policies and practices annually, as organizational changes occur, or in anticipation of compliance deadlines. In addition, we will strive to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner.

Providing an accessible and barrier-free environment is a shared effort, and as an organization, Shine is committed to working with the necessary parties to make accessibility for all a reality. 

Accessibility Policies

Shine’s Accessibility Policies will be made available upon request and will be provided in a format that takes into account the person’s disability.

Shine’s Accessibility Policies: 

Feedback on Accessible Customer Service

Shine will ensure that all feedback processes (both internal and external) are made accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports, upon request. 

Accessible formats include but are not limited to large print, recorded audio and electronic formats, braille and other formats usable by persons with disabilities. Communication supports include but are not limited to captioning, alternative and augmentative communication supports, plain language, sign language and other supports that facilitate effective communications. 

Charitable Programs Quality Assurance Review Process

Clients will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to persons with disabilities during our annual quality assurance review of our charitable programs. Clients will initially be contacted by telephone and given the opportunity to provide their feedback verbally. When requested, we will facilitate the survey in accessible formats or with communication supports after consulting with our clients to determine their information and communication needs. Alternate methods of providing feedback will include completing a written survey via mail or email, completing an online survey, or arranging a meeting to complete the survey in person. 

Other Feedback

Additional feedback, including complaints, can be provided at any time by contacting Shine’s Chief Executive Officer. This may be done in person, by telephone, in writing, or delivery of electronic text via email or diskette:

CEO: Tiffany Houston

Telephone: 519-642-0990 ext. 225


Address: 1100 Dearness Drive, Unit 21, London, ON N6E 1N9

Clients that provide feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted. 

Information and communications

Unless deemed unconvertible, Shine will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities, upon request. Accessible formats and communication supports will be provided in a timely manner and at no additional cost to the individual. 

Shine will take into account the person's accessibility needs when customizing individual requests and shall consult with the individual making the request to ensure suitability. 

Accessible Websites and Web Content

Shine will ensure that our website, and where applicable web content, conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as outlined in the IASR, and will refer to the legislation for specific compliance deadlines and requirements. 

Additional web accessibility enhancements are available on this website thanks to our partnership with AccessiBe

accessiBe logo

Service Disruptions

Shine’s premises are not open to the public and Shine does not provide facilities or services that are particular to persons with disabilities that are not also provided to other persons. However, in the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that client's with disabilities rely on to access or use Shine's goods or services, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice. In some circumstances such as in the situation of unplanned temporary disruptions, advance notice may not be possible. 

In the event that a notification needs to be posted the following information will be included unless it is not readily available or known: 

  • services that are disrupted or unavailable,

  • reason for the disruption,

  • anticipated duration, and

  • description of alternative services or options.

When disruptions occur Shine will provide notice by: 

  • posting notices on the Shine website,

  • contacting clients, or

  • by any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances.