Bringing the Park to His Own Backyard

Just like many kids, Daithi loves to play at the park. He longed to spend all day sliding down the slides, soaring high on the swings, and climbing around on the equipment. But, unlike most kids, a number of serious health concerns meant Daithi was rarely allowed to enjoy those simple childhood pleasures. Then, on August 2, 2017, Daithi’s wish came true when he was presented with his Shine Dream of playground equipment, custom made for him, turning his backyard into his very own park that he could play in whenever he wanted.

Daithi lives with subglottic stenosis (SGS), which is a narrowing of the airway below the vocal cords and above the trachea, making oral communication difficult. He is able to communicate with some verbal cues, but he also uses a communication device and American Sign Language to express himself to others.

In addition, Daithi lives with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic lung disease that leaves him at high risk for a life-threatening infection and requires he be very careful to avoid exposure to germs. Due to his condition, Daithi isn’t able to play with the other kids at the local park because his risk for infection is too high and he needs to be careful with his trach, a breathing tube into his windpipe that helps him breathe. As a result, when Daithi would ask his parents if he could go to the park to play – a normal daily occurrence for most children – they would have to tell him he wasn’t allowed to go.  

Now, the park has come to Daithi. His custom built playground equipment – including a slide, two swings, a telescope, a trapeze and a tire swing – were delivered to his London, ON, home and assembled in his backyard before his very eyes. Shine team members celebrated the happy occasion with Daithi, his parents Simon and Dalan, his brothers Cillian, Nessan and Cathal, and a number of friends and family members.

“Daithi was delighted,” says Simon of his son’s reaction to the new equipment, which was also customized to be his favourite colour of yellow. “It provides the opportunity for him to play safely outside but still within our property and also allows him to play with his brothers and friends. He will get huge benefit from this for years and years to come…it is a dream come true!”

Shine would like to thank Bosman Homefront for delivering and building Daithi’s playground for him. More life-changing experiences for children like Daithi are made possible by the generosity of supporters and donors like you. 

Shine Update: Spring 2021
The family shares that since the pandemic, they have been in strict isolation to keep their health safe. "The playset has been a blessing for our family since we very rarely leave home. It has created so many memories and given us the opportunity to keep active through play." 

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