For 18-year-old Hannah from Penticton, BC, a new bike is more than new equipment. It’s a means of independence, empowerment, and the ability to pay-it-forward. Hannah lives with spina bifida and is paraplegic from the waist down. Despite her challenges, she is a very positive person, referring to herself as being “differently abled” and proving it by making full use of her hands and arms as she rides alongside her family and friends using a handcycle.
Hannah first started riding at the age of 4 and has since grown out of 2 handcycles which she has donated to other young people living with spina bifida. The topography of Penticton can make bike rides a challenge for Hannah, causing her to become tired and needing her parents to walk behind her just in case she needs assistance. Hannah applied to the Shine Foundation, asking for a new handcycle that would give her more freedom. Delivered to her at her home this Fall, was a brand new 7-gear hand cycle with electronic assist which will help her go farther and tackle even harder terrain. It also means that she can go out with her friends by herself, no longer needing her parents to help her. Hannah’s new bike also becomes a stationary bike during the winter months so that she can continue biking indoors, building her muscles for the spring when she can get out on the roads again. Shine is proud of Hannah’s commitment to realizing her dreams and commends her pay-it-forward spirit.
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