Shine Foundation holds a public trust to fulfill our mission of changing the lives of young people in Canada living with severe physical disabilities. Our Shine program aims to educate and enhance the well-being of communities from coast to coast.
We are accountable to our Shine young people, and their families, supporters, volunteers, staff, board, and communities across Canada to freely and accurately share information about our governance, finance, and operations. We are open and inclusive in our procedures, processes and programs, consistent with our mission and vision.
Click here to view our audited financial statements:
Shine maintains effective governance and management through our national board of directors who support the effective management and quality use of our resources. We strive to achieve excellence in all aspects of our organization and evaluate on an ongoing basis.
Shine clearly articulates the needs of our organization and program recipients. We share information about how our programs work and enjoy sharing the stories of how our programs benefit dream recipients and their families.
If you would like more information about the Shine Foundation, please contact info [at] shinefoundation [dot] ca or 519-642-0990.