Autumn's High-Speed School Dream

Nineteen-year-old Autumn started college last year and discovered that her current computer technology was holding her back from the ambitions she had for her future. Diagnosed at birth with arthrogryposis, which affects Autumn’s joints, her condition causes stiffness and some immobility in her arms and legs. In her day-to-day life, Autumn likes to be as independent as she can and sometimes uses a walking aid for mobility. Her greatest goal is to live a comfortable life with no financial worries – so doing well in school is critical to set her up for success.

School has always come easy to Autumn, but once college started, she found that the laptop she was using had been slowing her down and was not allowing her to reach her full potential in class. A new laptop with a faster processor and the latest features was vital to her online studies in business administration.  

Autumn needed a long-lasting solution, and with the support of Shine donors, Autumn received a brand-new MacBook that has allowed her to become the efficient and effective student she wanted to be. 

After receiving her new MacBook, Autumn spoke about how she has already felt a huge improvement connecting to her classes, participating in online discussions, and completing her projects. She also uses her laptop outside of schoolwork by unwinding at home with her favourite shows. 

Autumn feels more confident with her schoolwork and likes that she no longer relies on others for help to access classes using their technology. Autumn’s Shine Dream has also motivated her to continue developing her passions now that she can find the right information she needs online: “I’ve noticed that I’ve been happier since receiving my computer. I can focus on my schoolwork and passions with the support of my new technology which has contributed to my increased overall happiness.” 

Shine helps dreamers develop an impactful experience that supports their personal development, expands their educational and career possibilities, reduces barriers and addresses mental health challenges. Autumn’s laptop helps her reach her career goal of working in an office-related job after she graduates. 


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