A backyard spa increases Josh’s independence

Nineteen-year-old Josh lives with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a neuromuscular condition that affects his nerves. Sometimes, Josh feels self-conscious of his physical disability and how he may appear to others, so he works very hard in physiotherapy to strengthen his mobility. He shares that his dedication to his therapy is his way of doing everything in his power to be as independent, social, and active as possible in order to live his life to the fullest. Josh felt that he needed to add something to his physical therapy routine so he could take his abilities to the next level.

Shine has organized Josh’s new spa with support from the Canadian Spa Company, Splashtek, and Shine donors. His water therapy spa helps him participate in even more activities with minimal modifications long into his future.  For example, Josh enjoys spending time with his friends, going to the beach in the summer, golfing, playing billiards, and road trips with his buddies. The hot water therapy and jets provide relaxation and help Josh recover his nerves so he can wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to do more  of his favourite activities. 

After a rough patch in his life, his family shared that this experience was a bright moment to surround Josh with love and support. Since receiving his Shine Dream Josh has become significantly more independent and social. He is getting out more and connecting with his friends, playing nine holes of golf with them twice a week.

“I am excited to bring my physiotherapy and relaxation techniques through water therapy to the next level. I am forever grateful for the opportunity that the Shine Foundation has provided for me. Thank you for everything.” – Josh.