Mark Hobeck - 2014 Spirit of Service Award Recipient

Shine announces Sergeant Mark Hobeck, the seventh recipient of the Wayne C. Dunn Spirit of Service Award.

Mark’s involvement with Shine began in 2000 as Shine's police liaison with the Halifax Regional Police Service. As the new police liaison, he attended local Chapter meetings and furthered his involvement in the following years as first the Chapter’s Awareness Chair and then the Dream Fulfillment Chair. When the Chapter membership dwindled a few years later, Hobeck remained in contact with Shine's head office and continued to deliver dreams for young people across the province. According to Hobeck, “It wasn’t something I was prepared to give up.”

Throughout the following decade, Hobeck’s commitment to Shine remained consistent, even as he furthered his career in the Halifax Regional Police and continued to volunteer in his community as a coach.

During 2012, Hobeck contributed significantly to Shine in two key ways. For the Halifax DreamLift, Hobeck reviewed over 100 police officer applications before selecting the final volunteers who would be matched with the kids for the day and lifters who would help get the kids onboard safely.

Hobeck also saw an opportunity to create awareness of Shine in the community. That same year, he worked with Shine's National Volunteer Manager, to organize the Foundation’s involvement in the 117th Natal Day Parade – an annual, city-wide celebration of Halifax’s founding. He coordinated volunteers and signage to ensure that Shine's presence was noticed.

In 2013, Shine wanted to revitalize the Halifax-Dartmouth Chapter and Hobeck eagerly took on the role of Chapter president. Since the Chapter’s rebirth, Hobeck has organized two successful Bright Night, Big Dreams events using them as venues to engage Shine Alumni and new supporters, while fundraising to make more dreams come true.

He has also found time in his busy schedule to attend Shine's National Partner Conference in 2013, the Chapter President’s meeting in 2014 and serve as a volunteer for events like the Bluenose Marathon in June 2014. Hobeck is a police sergeant and criminal investigator with the Halifax Regional Police and was featured in the Shine 2013 Spring Newsletter for his exceptional volunteer contribution.

“Mark exemplifies the best of what our Shine volunteers contribute every single day,” says Adam Jean, President of the Shine Foundation's National Board of Directors. “He displays compassion, hope, joy and the belief that he can give a child a sense of confidence and independence through the experience of a Shine Program. On behalf of Shine's Board of Directors and the young people we serve across Canada, I am so grateful to congratulate Mark on receiving this award.”